

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tomato Vinaigrette Grilled Chicken

Hello :)
So we made this chicken this week. It was pretty good, oddly, if you pour the vinaigrette over the broccoli it's spicy... but the chicken isn't. Weird.

This was a rough day for me, mostly because I made it hard for myself by expecting things that didn't happen, like the dishes being done. I don't know why the dishes bother me so much. So when I ran to the store to get ingredients for this recipe, I also got Brookside chocolate covered pomegranate deliciousness.
Now before you worry about me eating my feelings, don't worry, I only had a few ;)

Anyway this chicken was really easy. Especially if you have a George Foreman grill.

You'll need:
Cherry tomatoes (1 cup halved)
1 clove garlic
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon red onion (chopped)
salt and pepper to taste
4 chicken breasts

So if you looked at the original recipe, yes, I switched the amounts of red wine vinegar and olive oil. What can I say, our family loves vinegar. In fact, you know how in my big fat greek wedding the dad uses windex for everything? That's what we do with vinegar.

Anyway, you just blend up all the ingredients and stick 6 tablespoons of it in a bag with the chicken for a little while. We only marinaded ours for like 30 minutes, but it was still delicious! Especially if you put some if in on the chicken after you cook it :) Then we just grilled it on our George Foreman, great for this time of year when it's cold outside!

Let me know if you try it!

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